At the age of 17, Mark O. of Grand Rapids, Mich., got his then 15-year old girlfriend pregnant. Taking responsibility for his actions and agreeing to provide support, he signed the birth certificate and later married the mother of his child.
His “reward” was to face charges for sexual assault and a long-term requirement that his name and photo appear on a public sex-offender registry. Full Opinion Piece
Actually, no one should be on the registry, it serve no useful purpose.
“Less than one child out of 100 on the sex-offender registries reoffends”
Lol, what’s less than 1?
And to be fair, child pornography is considered to be a sexually stimulating image of someone under 18, so technically, yes, the teenage boys or girls are child pornogrophers
Heyguess what the re-offense rate in ca for adults is less than 1% also